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Are you adventurous and would you like to travel alone?

One of the most amazing opportunities we have is actually traveling. Traveling is acquiring knowledge, realizing dreams, expanding energy and connecting it with everything the world can offer.


For many, traveling is a way to escape reality, to forget about everyday problems and to rest; For others it is a way of meeting, getting in touch with deep feelings, discovering, learning, and seeing what you never imagined existed.


Would you like to venture into the world in your own company?

Check out the importance of travel below and explore the tips we have for organizing a safe and fun trip.

What is the importance of traveling?

Traveling is important because we leave our world and see other possibilities of being and having. Other realities, other ways, other customs. And that makes us less judgmental, more humble, and more empathetic to others.


Traveling is important because the world is so much bigger than you think and there are millions of things you can only feel, touch or experience if you get out of your bubble and try to go. Simply go.


Traveling is important because it enriches you. You spend money but you earn it in every way: mentally, visually, energetically, organically. Traveling you propose to know and live things and situations that contribute to your personal growth and life experience.


Traveling is important because it does not seem to be very interesting to always live the same things, in the same places, eat the same foods, hear the same language, smell the same.


Traveling is important because, being absent, you learn to value all that is normal in your routine. You miss your pillow, the food of a family member, the voice of someone special, your home. You learn to value more than you usually do not miss.


Traveling is important because you do not control what happens away from your reality. Deal with unforeseen, with the unknown, with change. Out of your good old comfort zone, you develop skills you never thought you had.


Traveling is important because you realize that your culture is much more about you than you think. And that all the cultural diversity on earth is the most precious symbolic good that humanity carries.

Two hands full of tips for organizing a trip alone

  • 1- Know your fears

First and foremost, consider what your fears are when you think of traveling alone and whether those fears are real or just based on the opinions of others.

After that, you differentiate between fear and risk to know what to really watch out for.


  • 2- Don't be arrested

If you feel insecure to put a backpack on your back and know the world on your own, start slowly and don't get stuck, go on your time.

It starts, for example, by going to the cinema alone, spending a weekend alone.


  • 3- Travel with a plan

 So as not to venture into the early days of traveling without anything planned and alone, we advise you to buy a trip with a set and group route. This will give you the opportunity to travel with people you've never met before and you can even make amazing friends.


  • 4- Stay in a Hostel

 The Hostel is a backpacker-style hostel, which means an easy place to make friends.


  • 5- Don't mind what others say

Many people shy away from fear of what others will say. The best thing is not to consider the judgment of others.

Just as some people may think you have no friends, others may think you are brave and do not depend on anyone to make your dreams come true.


  • 6- Destinations

A good idea is to start with countries or regions where the culture or language is more like yours. The first trip is always a paradigm break and can be the first of several or generate more resistance. So look for something that is not so difficult for you.

Research the place a lot, the more you know, the safer you'll feel.


  • 7- Learn to deal with different cultures

 In some countries, especially women, they attract looks, but they may not be looks of rejection but of curiosity.

So when you choose your destination, research the main habits of the place first and try to adapt when you're there.


  •  8- Traveling alone does not mean being alone

 If you want some time alone, no problem, but if you're in the mood for new friendships, this may be a good opportunity.


  • 9- Counts with local residents

 It sounds obvious, but you'll find good and bad people in any country. So it is good not to have prejudice. If you need anything, locals can be a good help.


  • 10 - Practical Safety Tips

 - There are apps that allow you to download maps to your mobile phone and use offline. It helps in case you get lost.

- Download to your mobile phone a translator from Portuguese to the local language.

- Don't be held hostage by the wifi. In many countries you can already buy a mobile phone chip at the airport.

- That's good old mother's advice: don't drink too much and be careful not to put anything in your drink.

- Get travel insurance and take a look at the rules first.

- Leave in your email a scanned copy of the documents (mainly passport).

- Put some emergency telephone contacts in the passport as well as travel insurance information.

- Leave a separate credit card in case of wallet loss or theft.

- Let someone you trust log in to your phone's locator. This way they can keep track of where you are if you spend a long time without contact.


Follow your instincts and have a nice trip!



Sources: casavogue.com


09 from February from 2020

Catarina MirandaAdministrative Assitent

We have the essential tips to help you plan this trip!

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