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Lidl challenges Portuguese to decorate their home doors - and gives prizes to the best

"In such an atypical year, when we arrived at Christmas with the world in a pandemic and the certainty that everyone will live it differently - at least more protected-, everything serves to try to keep the spirit, the magic of the season, now as or more important than ever.

“Christmas movement at your door”

“Christmas Movement at your door” is the name of Lidl's new initiative, which challenges the Portuguese to decorate their home doors and “show how a more protected Christmas can be equally happy”.
The contest starts today on Lidl Portugal's Facebook page and runs until December 18th at 11:59 pm. To participate, simply comment on the post related to the contest, publishing the photograph of the decorated door and indicating its location.


The 10 most creative photographs will be chosen by photographer Rita Ferro Alvim, promoter of the “Retratos à Porta” project, which she started during confinement, with the intention of giving encouragement to the Portuguese. The winners will receive a card worth 50 euros for purchases at Lidl stores and a “Portraits of Christmas at the Door” session, edited by the photographer.
«In an atypical year, caused by the context of a pandemic, Christmas will certainly be lived by the Portuguese in a more guarded way, leaving much“ at the door ”, which does not mean that it is less special», underlines Lidl Portugal. "

Source: nit.pt / marketeer.com 

27 from November from 2020

Sara MartinsMarketing Assistant

The aim of the contest is to show how a more protected Christmas can be equally happy.

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