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Guide to triumph and save on buying furniture for the home

Saving money when buying furniture and home furnishings is not always an easy task, when we want to have a space that meets our personal taste, but also our real needs, in functional terms.


In this article we will present you some tips that can help you to reduce the expenses with the purchase of furniture for your home.

Comfort, utility and well-being should always be seen as a priority when choosing your furniture and design objects. If you are thinking about decorating your home from scratch, or if you want to change your old furniture, there are several factors that you should consider if you want to save some money.



Make a realistic budget

In order to have control over your finances, it is essential to draw up a budget. So, if you are thinking of furnishing your home from scratch, or changing the furniture you already have, you should first define your ceiling and check what you want and can spend. To do this, it is essential that you do the math, and in detail, so as not to put your family budget at risk.


A good strategy is to make this type of investment at times when your income is higher. Using the vacation allowance, the Christmas allowance or even the money you received from the IRS reimbursement are great ways to reduce the financial effort, without compromising the coverage of the remaining expenses.


If the purchase of furniture is planned in advance, you can start making a small monthly savings for this investment. Once you have a well-defined budget, it will be easier to put the money aside every month until you reach your goal. And don't forget to try to take advantage of the sales season when you're ready to go shopping.

Analyzes house divisions well

It may seem like an obvious piece of advice, but the truth is that when we are looking at furniture and fall in love with something, we end up thinking that we can always fit the piece into that room. However, the scenario can be worse, and the much-loved furniture does not fit in the free space of our room. This is one of the most common mistakes when buying furniture.

The ideal is to measure the divisions of your house very well and make a plan of them. Doing this planning helps a lot to idealize a space. This is because many divisions have corners, pillars, and spaces that the main furniture cannot be placed.


That said, it is very important that you take a good look at the measurements of all the furniture you intend to buy and the one that you may already have. Put a limit on the depth and length of the furniture and accessories, so that you have space for passage, and you can better define the areas of the room.

Get inspired first so you don't regret it later

Whoever intends to furnish a house from scratch, or change the decoration, should think carefully about the style of decoration they will adopt. So do a search on the internet, consult magazines and social networks, to understand for sure what you want as a decoration for your home and find the right inspiration.

After choosing a style you like, you will have a clearer and more adequate idea of what to look for in terms of furniture. Also define the colors you want to see in each room. This way, you will know better what you want, avoiding impulse purchases that may not match the rest of your decor.

Looking for second-hand options

Now that you've defined your budget, the layout of your rooms and the decorative style you want, it's time to start looking for furniture. And this research doesn't just have to look at physical stores and online for new products. Currently, there are numerous sites on the internet that allow you to buy second-hand furniture and decorative pieces in great condition.

In addition to being able to buy furniture in second-hand stores, there are also auctions, fairs and even private sales.

Analyze the piece you intend to buy second hand and see if it needs restoration or not. Then do some research to understand the price you would pay if you bought the piece to debut. Finally, do the math and see which is the most advantageous financial option.

Don't just think about the price

When it comes to saving money by buying something, there are always two possibilities that end up tormenting our decision. Should we buy something cheaper, but that we know will last less, or do we choose to spend more and the quality will eventually outweigh the value?

Regarding furniture, we can look at the basic pieces of our decoration as those that must have a seal of superior quality. For example, the sofa, the dining table, the bed and the mattress are furniture that should last for several years and that should fit well in our decor, even if it is changed after a few years.

As the cheap is sometimes expensive, you always see the strength of the woods used in the pieces that are on display, the structures of the sofas, among other important factors. That way you'll be able to get an idea of what you're buying.

Limit your choices to what is essential

Buying what is essential in the first phase is a great way to save on home furniture. It is normal that there is a huge desire to see all the decoration of your home in the style that you want from the moment zero. However, decorating a house in its entirety is a very high investment, and it can leave you in a financial squeeze unnecessarily. In addition, over time you can realize what you can best coordinate or you really need it. Or rather, discover the ideal piece by chance or at the best price.

So make a list of the furniture that is a priority and essential to live comfortable in your home. Then you can make another list of secondary purchases, which you can buy over time. This way, you do not exceed the budget you have set and you will calmly accomplish your goals and prolong your satisfaction.

Recycle or make some pieces yourself

You have certainly seen on the internet various furniture and decorative pieces made from recycled products. The truth is that many of them do not require a great deal of expertise in carpentry and turn out to be a great way to save money.

Pellets are the most popular option today, which can be transformed into a sofa, bed or even a coffee table.

Sisal strings can also give new life to various decorative pieces you have in your home. So, if you want to give your furniture a new life, you can paint it in other colors or cover it with waterproof adhesive paper.

Adapt your choices to the maintenance that will be required

The purchase of furniture and decorative items must always meet the reality of each one. If you have small children or pets at home, choose to buy items that are easy to wash and try to avoid colors.

Remember that furniture is an investment, and that you should try your best to preserve and maintain it, in order to make your investment profitable.



Source: idealista.pt

07 from March from 2020

Catarina MirandaAdministrative Assistent

Adapting budget, tastes and needs is a complex equation in decoration but possible to solve

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