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With good ingredients, made by hand and on time: these are (some of) the reasons that make these best burgers in Braga.

For some time now Braga has been invaded by hamburgers: some spaces more artisan than others, changes of bread, sauce and accompaniment, but there is a common element to all: good meat.





Never eating a hamburger in Braga has been so cool since the arrival of DeGema Hamburgueria Artesanal in 2013.


The hamburgers are divine!

Everything is made with the highest quality and the bread is made by DeGema.


Choosing which hamburger to eat is perhaps the most difficult but fun task at the same time. Had not the hamburgers names as peculiar as Ougar for more, Braga for a Straw, Older than the See, Tou Barado, Potty of Heaven, Bacas Among the Corn, among others.




Bicla Burguer

Hamburgers are no longer an easy, fast and unhealthy option. More and more artisanal hamburgers are produced with the best meat and ingredients. The Bicla Burgers is proof of that.


The Bicla Burgers arose from the taste of American burgers and the fascination with the cuisine.

The hamburgers served here went through a process of study, experimentation and testing for 8 months, so that the ingredients were cooked with the highest quality. Even the dish selected to place the hamburger has been studied so that the hamburger reaches the perfect customer.




Mostarda & Chocolate

In a modern, glazed building with a truly privileged location in the city of Braga, you will find Mostarda & Chocolate, a restaurant that serves a wide variety of dishes, from hamburgers to pasta, as well as francesinha and other more traditional dishes. for all tastes.

The space is large and full of natural light. The decoration and comfort of the entire restaurant invites you to stay longer, revealing good taste and modernity.






Sources: bragacool.com



05 from December from 2019

Catarina MirandaAdministrative assistant

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