Often, in the desire to save on the purchase or sale negotiations, some people choose not to hire the services of a Real Estate Agent. However, as this is a lengthy process with many risks, in the end this economy can become a headache, which turns out not to be so advantageous.
Professionals specializing in real estate are an asset, after all the Real Estate Consultant knows all the obstacles in the industry and can contribute to the success of his client. Market knowledge, intermediation in negotiation and legal advice are one of the great benefits you have when hiring a real estate agent.
Currently, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is very difficult to reconcile work with several visits to real estate. With the support of a Real Estate Agency, your Consultant is able to gather the best properties for the profile you are looking for, saving time and energy.
With a trustworthy real estate agency mediating the negotiation, it is much easier and more agile to put all the necessary documentation in order.
In order to have no problems in the future, it should also be checked that there is no situation restricting a safe sale, such as debts or lawsuits in the name of the owner.
These inconvenient situations can be avoided by having a Real Estate Consultant to assist in the intermediation of the purchase and sale of the property.
To find the property of your dreams without any problem, it is important that a trained professional can assist you, evaluating a property, so that you understand if the requested value is within the market.
In addition, the Real Estate Consultant is able to negotiate the requested amount, to make both sides happy with the final result.
Many people think that the work of a real estate agent ends when the contract is signed. However, this is not the case.
The real estate company has the duty to monitor the payment, handing over the keys and possible differences with the documents.
To have a great experience when buying or selling real estate, you need to choose a reliable company with market experience.
1. Knowledge acquired over the past 10 years
2. Real Estate Consultant No. 1 in Portugal since 2010
3. Technological advancement in property search and selection
4. Exclusive monitoring of the entire bureaucratic process
5. Sharing business with any and all real estate agencies
6. Exclusive communication with the Carlo Monteiro Team
7. Only Real Estate Consultant to be featured in Forbes magazine.
26 from October from 2020
Sara MartinsAssistente de Marketing
* Call to national mobile network.